I Washinton Post kan vi bl.a. läsa om tyske medborgaren Khaled Masri, en helt oskyldig person, som av misstag greps och fördes till Afghanistan för förhör.

Apropås vad jag skrev i ett tidigare inlägg (5/12, två inlägg före detta) kan vi, om de oskyldiga som gripits , läsa:

One official said about three dozen names fall in that category; others believe it is fewer. The list includes several people whose identities were offered by al Qaeda figures during CIA interrogations, officials said. One turned out to be an innocent college professor who had given the al Qaeda member a bad grade, one official said (min kursiveing).

Så ett litet utdrag ur Masris berättelse:

Masri said his cell in Afghanistan was cold, dirty and in a cellar, with no light and one dirty cover for warmth. The first night he said he was kicked and beaten and warned by an interrogator: ”You are here in a country where no one knows about you, in a country where there is no law. If you die, we will bury you, and no one will know.”

Efter fem månader släpptes han dock, då man kom på att man hade gripit fel person. Jag rekommenderar artiklen till läsning, liksom mitt ovan nämnda tidigare inlägg, samt lite eftertanke.