Sheila Jeffreys, professor i statsvetenskap i Melbourne, Australien, som har forskat om prostitution och trafficking, hävdar, och på goda grunder, att det inte går att skilja frivillig prostitution från påtvingad. Hon skriver en artikel om problemet där hon också ger en kortare historik, hur rörelsen för ”legalisering av prostitution” uppstod och vad den lett till. I artikeln berättar hon också om den verklighet de prostituerade möter. Den är långt från den rosafärgade bild av prostitution som legaliseringsförespråkarna målar upp, en bild som får de icke-prostituerade kvinnor som säljer sig till att försvara legalisering av prostitution att framstå som endera oerhört naiva eller fruktansvärt cyniska.

Några citat ur en artikel av Sheila Jeffreys, men läs hela artikeln på nätet.

It is well known that street prostitution is extremely dangerous. Women are at risk of rape and murder, beatings, knifings. Prostituted women receive the hatred from men of women and of the sexuality that they are seen as representing. This results in the violence they suffer. The violence is carried out against so-called ‘high class’ prostituted women as well. A booklet for ‘call girls’ in London recommends having mirrored walls so women can see whether the man has a knife behind his back.
But somehow this rather convincing evidence that prostitution is not just an ordinary job gets ignored by those who want to see themselves as socially progressive. A determined avoidance of the facts of prostitution is part of the present determination by many social liberals to see prostitution as a fine job for a woman, but one which they would never, ever, wish to do themselves.

Längre ner beskriver hon kortfattat hur det går till på en legal bordell i Australien, som en av hennes studenter studerade, supposedly the crème de la crème of prostitution som hon beskriver dessa prostituerade. Efter att männen valt ut en för sitt syfte, fortsätter berättelsen:

Then they went up to the room. Women would often apply lubricant in a bathroom on the way up because the men would be most unhappy if they got the impression the women were not sexually aroused and some would refuse to pay (Min anm: Jag kan tänka mig helt andra orsaker till dessa glidmedel, torra samlag är smärtsamma nämligen). Then the women had to try to control the encounter. Men would sometimes want an ‘all around the world’ i.e. access to any orifice in any way and the right to touch any part of the woman’s body. The woman must then struggle to restrict him whilst not losing the booking. One woman said that for anal she would charge $500 but this would be according to how large it was i.e. a larger penis means more pain. Another woman said a man had started to put lubricant on his fist and when she asked what it was for he said he intended to fistfuck her. The demand for fistfucking suggests that the increasingly violent and degrading practices carried out upon women in pornography are educating men in what they wish to do to women, first in prostitution and then in their relationships. This applies also to anal sex.
When women came down from bookings one would shower for 10 minutes in very hot water to get the dirt off her body. Before a booking one woman would come out in goose bumps. Her skin was crawling at the thought of what she would have to endure. Sexual harassment is what the man pays for. The women dissociate to survive the ordeal using psychological techniques or drugs and alcohol.Women in prostitution are not a different kind of women who can endure the unwanted hands and penises of men in and on their bodies more easily than others. It is true that many are seasoned by previous sexual violence in childhood or adulthood.To such women the violence of prostitution can seem less severe. But they hate it just as much. Any acceptance of prostitution is an acceptance that certain women can reasonably be set aside as appropriate objects of exactly the harassment that other non-prostituted women seek to get out of their workplaces and lives.

This is the story of the most respectable form of prostitution in the world. Here in Australia there are codes for the implementation of occupational health and safety (OHS) in brothels drawn up by state authorities, but only for the tiny number of brothels that are legal. It is hard to work out occupational health and safety codes for work in which women are regularly at risk of violence and harassment such as men twisting nipples and shoving fingers up women’s anuses. Codes have to deal with diseases which are life-threatening, where women may be required to handle faeces and urine as well as semen, where they have to suffer the psychological damage of dissociation. Codes for other workplaces require the isolation of dangerous substances, wearing gloves etc. Prostituted women are in no position to do these things.

Med anledning av Jeffreys texter börjar man undra om inte de kvinnor, prostituerade, som arbetade hårt och aktivt för att få föreställningen om det humana i att legalisera prosititionen accepterad, hade starkare ekonomiska intressen bakom sig, intressen som betalade dem bra för genomförandet av denna ”lyckade” kampanj?

Nu vet vi alla fall att Timbro betalar kvinnor för att föra samma ”ädla” kamp för svenska kvinnors frihet!

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